French for DELF / TEF/ TCF Canada/ Hobby Classes
French for Absolute beginners- Pronunciation, Simple sentence formation and basic Speaking, Listening , Reading & Writing on themes of daily life.
French lessons for Advanced beginners. Contains a brush- up of A1 concepts along with learning complex sentence formation, and more elaborate Speaking, Listening, Reading & Writing on themes related to everyday life. Some warm- up sessions for heading towards B1 also included to bridge the gap between A2 and B1.
French for Intermediate level- Complete brush-up of A1 & A2 followed by B1 grammar and Speaking, Listening, Reading & Writing on global themes.
French for Advanced Intermediate level- Complete brush- up of A1, A2 & B1 followed by B2 grammar and Speaking , Listening, Reading & Writing on global themes. Group discussions, Debate & Argumentation on a variety of topics.
TEF Canada/ TCF Canada CLB 7+
Our Blogs
French Level B1 Syllabus
GRAMMAR: Logical Connectors Types of Pronouns Future Perfect Agreement of Adjectives in Gender & Number Agreement of Past Participles Present Conditional...
Les pronoms sujet impersonnels
«Ce» «Il» Function Presents/Introduces a general idea/opinion. Describes an already introduced idea. Is more specific in nature. Structure Persons, things,...
TEF CANADA : EXPRESSION ORALE (Section B) : Adoptez l’huile de ricin pour votre voiture !
Adoptez l’huile de ricin pour votre voiture ! ✅ Écologique : Réduit les émissions polluantes. ✅ Protectrice : Prolonge la durée de vie du moteur grâce à ses...