FRENCH LANGUAGE Courses at LingoRelic
Here you may find the details of the French language courses that we offer at LingoRelic for your TEF Canada B2/C1, TCF Canada B2/C1, DELF exams, or for learning French as a hobby. Please take the time to find the details of the course structure and course content for each level. Book DemoDELF Exams
Level A1, A2, B1 and B2 classes for DELF Exams & French learning as a hobby
TEF Exam
From absolute beginner (A1) to B2/ C1 level
TEF CANADA Preparation (All grammar studies in French + Equipped with B2/C1 level in the exam)
TCF Exam
From absolute beginner (A1) to B2/ C1 level
TCF CANADA Preparation (All grammar studies in French + Equipped with B2/ C1 level in the exam)
TEF/ TCF Canada Exam- Specific Preparation B2/ C1
TEF Canada Exam- Specific Preparation
This course is ideal for you if you have reached French language proficiency level B1 or higher, and now you wish to target the TEF Canada exam- specific module training for Speaking, Listening, Reading, and Writing to target the B2/ C1 level in the exam.
TCF Canada Exam- Specific Preparation
This course is ideal for you if you have reached French language proficiency level B1 or higher, and now you wish to target the TCF Canada exam- specific module training for Speaking, Listening, Reading, and Writing to target the B2/ C1 level in the exam.
TEF Canada Exam
An ideal course for those who need a complete grammar revision till B2 followed by TEF Canada Exam- Specific Preparation to target the B2/ C1 level in the exam
TCF Canada Exam
An ideal course for those who need a complete grammar revision till B2 followed by TCF Canada Exam- Specific Preparation to target the B2/ C1 level in the exam
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