French for DELF / TEF/ TCF Canada/ Hobby Classes
French for Absolute beginners- Pronunciation, Simple sentence formation and basic Speaking, Listening , Reading & Writing on themes of daily life.
French lessons for Advanced beginners. Contains a brush- up of A1 concepts along with learning complex sentence formation, and more elaborate Speaking, Listening, Reading & Writing on themes related to everyday life. Some warm- up sessions for heading towards B1 also included to bridge the gap between A2 and B1.
French for Intermediate level- Complete brush-up of A1 & A2 followed by B1 grammar and Speaking, Listening, Reading & Writing on global themes.
French for Advanced Intermediate level- Complete brush- up of A1, A2 & B1 followed by B2 grammar and Speaking , Listening, Reading & Writing on global themes. Group discussions, Debate & Argumentation on a variety of topics.
TEF Canada/ TCF Canada CLB 7+
Our Blogs
“Si” clauses in French
Si clauses are “If and then” statements. They express conditions and are used to talk about possibilities, hypothetical situations, or facts. They allow you...
EXEMPLE : Client : Bonjour, je suis tombé sur votre annonce concernant les parcours en forêt d'O'Fun Park. J'ai quelques questions à vous poser, auriez-vous 5...
TEF Canada : Expression Orale (Section B) : Offrez-vous une envolée en montgolfière
EXEMPLE : Hugo : Salut Clara ! Regarde ce que j’ai trouvé dans le journal ce matin, une annonce pour faire un vol en montgolfière. C’est une expérience...