TEF/TCF Canada & French Exam


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About French Language Institute in Mohali

French language institute “LingoRelic Language Academy” was inaugurated by Ms. Divya Singla on 12th March 2019 as a venture to cater to the French language learning needs of students across the world. LingoRelic aims to broaden the horizons of language learners while catering to their ever-changing requirements.

With the passage of time, we have also succeeded in providing quality education in IELTS & PTE with the support of a highly experienced team. Trainers at LingoRelic have significant experience in delivering their knowledge online through the use of core LingoRelic language teaching methods. The online teaching strategies are designed such that they are absolutely different from the traditional offline techniques of teaching, Hence, they prove very effective in achieving the desired goal of online language learning. We strive to promote quality language learning across the globe for all age groups and to make language not just something that one learns but rather lives…

About the Trainer


I’m a French language instructor from India. I’ve been teaching French professionally online as well as offline for over 7 years. I have done an MA English Honors & I am a DELF B2 certified French language trainer (currently pursuing level C2). I’ve worked twice as an English Language Teaching Assistant in France: in Grenoble Academy (2019- 20) and in Reims Academy (2021- 22).

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Exam Structure of TEF


Why should you take the TEF exam (Test d’Evaluation de Français)?


Why are these French tests important?

French is the official language of about 29 countries. Over 250 million people worldwide speak it as their primary language. Your French- speaking ability can open new opportunities for you whether it is for education in France or for immigration to Canada or to any other francophone country across the globe. If you prove your French proficiency through one of these tests, your bilingual profile has potential to avail many perks.


Types of TEF Exam

  1. TEF for studies (For studies in France),
  2. TEF for Naturalization, i.e., TEF ANF (To get the French citizenship),
  3. TEF for the resident Card (to obtain a resident card in France),
  4. TEF Canada (For Canadian immigration and to get a Canadian citizenship,
  5. TEFAQ (For immigration to Quebec: French- speaking province in Canada).

How Long does it take to clear TEF or TCF?

Well, a lot of this depends on your language learning methodology. Generally, it takes somewhere between 1.5 to 2 years with classroom studies and a dedicated approach towards self- study, no less than that. However, it’s a whole different case if you’re capable and willing to devote 8 hours a day including weekends studying French, YOU CAN make it happen.

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For More Information

TCF & TEF Exam Centers in India

The L’Alliance Française branches in India conduct different versions of the TEF and TCF exams. The most important exam centers are New Delhi, Chandigarh, Chennai, Bhopal, Mumbai, Kolkata, etc.


The exam registration fees will depend on the exam you register for and the country you take it in. In India, the registration fees are between INR 15,000- 25,000, as per the number of modules you take.

How Long does it take to clear TEF or TCF?

Well, a lot of this depends on your language learning methodology. Generally, it takes somewhere between 1.5 to 2 years with classroom studies and a dedicated approach towards self- study, no less than that. However, it’s a whole different case if you’re capable and willing to devote 8 hours a day including weekends studying French, YOU CAN make it happen.


The basic difference between these two types of exams is that the TEF/ TCF versions are a single test where your score will be used to evaluate your French proficiency and hence how many points you are eligible for in your immigration plan. For the DELF/ DALF exams, you can take an exam for any level A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2 as per whichever you’re ready for. If you qualify, you obtain a diploma for that level. This diploma has a lifetime validity and is recognized all across the world.

The TCFQ (TCF for Quebec) & TEFaQ (Test for Evaluating French for Access to Quebec) certificates are only recognized for your immigration plan in Quebec (Canada). Also, it is the only French test recognized for the Quebec Federal Skilled Worker Program. You cannot use this French certification for admission to a French or a university in francophone countries. 

All the TEF and TCF versions results have a 2- year validity from your test date. That is why it is not very beneficial for career opportunities that involve French language outside France & Canada.

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