
Comment se préparer pour l’expression orale du TEF Canada

If you are planning to appear for the TEF Canada Test and wish to explore everything about it to prepare for the Speaking test, this blog is for you! 

Structure of the TEF Canada Speaking test

The candidate is expected to appear for a face-to-face exchange with the examiner for 15 minutes. The test comprises two sections:
– Section A (5 minutes)- Formal roleplay (Conversation using “Vous”)
– Section B (10 minutes)- Informal roleplay (Conversation using “Tu”)
The topic in each task is generally related to an advertisement in a newspaper, on the internet or an offer for employment. 


Section A: In this task, the candidate’s objective is to ask questions to obtain maximum possible information about an advertisement that is extracted from a newspaper/ magazine/ internet. This must be a natural conversation, like an exchange of questions and answers in daily life. 


You have read an ad for XXXXXXXX
and you are interested. You call for more information.

→ Ask approximately ten questions.

→ The examiner will play the role of your interlocutor. 

Section B: In this task, you have to do a roleplay to convince a friend related to an advertisement/ offer that you have come across in a newspaper/ magazine/ internet. The candidate is expected to first present the crux of the document to the interlocutor using original sentence structures and then convince them to avail this offer/ purchase the product/ service. The candidate must give their opinion with justifications and relevant examples, real or imaginary. 


You have read an advertisement for XXXXXXXXX.

You tell a friend about it.

→ Present him/her with this document.

→ Try to convince him/ her to XXXXXXXXX.

→ The examiner will play the role of your friend. 

Please note that both the sections in the Speaking test are recorded to allow a double evaluation after the test is conducted. 

Tips to Prepare Smartly for the TEF Canada Speaking Test

The idea of having a dialogue with the examiner based on any random situation might seem daunting in the beginning. Although, with the right kind of French skills and strategies, it isn’t as difficult.

Here I bring to you are some helpful tips you could follow on the exam day: 

1. Practice speaking a lot before the exam and keep yourself in what I call a “French speaking state of mind” for as long as possible, especially if you are not very comfortable with speaking in French. If possible, avoid communicating and thinking in languages other than French and only talk to yourself in French. For practice, speak out loud while imagining that you are having a conversation with the examiner.
2. Also, make sure to practice keeping track of the time for each task. This way you will find the correct rhythm of conversation during the test.
3. Practice by listening to French radio or watching movies and French TV more and more. This way your confidence for the day of the test will enhance. 

5 important tips to follow during the conversation:

1. Use a variety of vocabulary and use a well- suited tone as per formal and informal situations.
2. In Section A, you need to present your question making skills. However, not each sentence has to be a question. You could also use other sentence structures to have a  natural conversation and obtain maximum information possible. The number of questions do not matter as long as your conversation and questions flow in a logical manner of sequence for 5 minutes.

3. For Section B, present the topic to the examiner (your friend) by taking it as a real- life situation and considering that they do not know about it. Once you explain it to them, that’s when they will respond to you and have a detailed conversation.
4. In Section B the examiner will never agree with you throughout the dialogue. Towards the end, they may or may not agree, or they might conclude by telling you that they’ll take the time to think before making a decision. In any case, do not be deterred. Your objective is to show your skills to have a natural  conversation and justify your arguments. But it doesn’t really matter if they agree with you in the end or not. So try to remain focused throughout the conversation!
5. Instead of thinking of it as an exam, consider both the tasks as a daily- life situation. The more you consider it this way, the more naturally your ideas and lines will flow.

 You can also consult my other blog posts on the TEF Canada exam :
– French Exams for Express Entry Canada: TEF & TCF here
– How to Prepare for TEF Canada Exam? (From Beginner to Advanced B2 Level)- New Format 

– Self- Preparation Routine for TEF Canada- New Format

– TEF Canada Listening Test Tips and Strategies- New Format

– How to Ace the TEF Canada Speaking Test

– Essentials for TEF Canada Exam Preparation- New Format

– TEF Canada New Exam Format

Do consult our TEF preparation workshops here.
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If you have further questions about the TEF Canada exam preparation, or are looking for the best French language classes online, WhatsApp +91- 9056131830 or email: lingorelic@gmail.com

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