

Welcome to LingoRelic Language Academy! By enrolling in any of our courses, you are entering into a legally binding contract with the academy. These comprehensive Terms and Conditions form the foundation of our relationship with you throughout your learning journey at LingoRelic Language Academy.

Upon making your fee payment, you willingly commit to wholeheartedly adhere to the academy’s rules, regulations, and associated policies, which may undergo updates periodically.

Please be aware that any violation of these essential guidelines may lead to your removal or suspension from the course, as we prioritize maintaining a conducive and respectful learning environment for all our students.

  1. Once the fee payment is made, no refunds will be initiated for any reason.
  2. The fee is non-transferable (to another person or to another batch), non-refundable, and non-freezable.
  3. For courses with periodic payments, students must deposit fees within the specified timeframe. Failure to do so allows LingoRelic to cancel all future classes without further notice. In this scenario, no refunds will be issued for fees that have already been paid.
  4. The course fee includes the cost of study materials and other resources.
  5. LingoRelic might allow students to change batches only in cases where there’s room in the next month. It is not guaranteed you can switch, and if you can, there will be an extra fee set by LingoRelic. If not, students will stick to the usual class setup with study materials and recordings.
  6. All classes will be conducted via Skype/Google Meet/Zoom and the class days and timings will be mutually agreed upon by the student(s) and the trainer.
  7. As a condition of participation, students are expected to maintain their camera on throughout the classes, only considering turning it off in exceptional circumstances where no other viable option exists.
  8. For an improved class experience, students are advised to stay punctual, mute their microphones during background noise and maintain reliable internet connectivity.
  9. LingoRelic provides soft copies of study material. Any purchase of books/CDs by the student is their responsibility; LingoRelic is not liable for any inconvenience or disputes with any seller.
  10. For 1-1 sessions, sudden changes in class days and timings upon student’s request may be accommodated only based on the trainer’s feasibility. It is important to note that frequent absences, often influenced by health-related, emotional or personal factors at the student’s end, can disrupt the trainer’s schedule and leave allocated slots unused. While we prioritize providing high-quality service and are understanding of individual circumstances, it’s crucial for the student to be equally considerate about the impact on the trainer’s time and productivity, and not request for too many leaves. Otherwise, the student should be prepared to accept being marked absent without engaging in disagreements or conflicts regarding the decision taken by the management.
  11. In both individual and group sessions, if a student or all students do not join within 10 minutes of the scheduled start time, the session will be considered delivered and the attendance will be recorded. The student(s) may not engage in conflicts with the management regarding the same.
  12. In the event of unexpected internet issues on the student’s end during a scheduled class, the possibility of rescheduling will be determined on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the specific circumstances at the time.
  13. LingoRelic may, at its discretion, provide recordings of sessions upon request if a student provides a valid reason for not attending classes. However, it is important to note that LingoRelic is not obligated to provide recordings. Each student is responsible for their own learning experience and is encouraged to attend classes regularly to maximize their learning potential. LingoRelic is not obliged to offer extra sessions. Extra sessions, if desired, come at an additional cost set by LingoRelic.
  14. The total duration of a course for group sessions may vary based on the number of students in the batch and the course content to be completed, including sufficient practice for each module done in class.
  15. LingoRelic disclaims responsibility for the academic progress of students with irregular attendance, including issues related to bad internet connectivity. The academy is not responsible for students who return after extended absences without completing the classwork, submitting homework, or participating in self-study.
  16. Although LingoRelic offers personalized contact to each student, it does not assume the responsibility of ensuring students stay updated with the information, updates and study materials shared across online channels. It is expected that students demonstrate personal responsibility and maturity in managing and keeping track of these resources independently.
  17. While we offer 100% support and personalized feedback from time to time, the performance outcomes and exam results of students are not guaranteed by LingoRelic.
  18. We aim to provide our utmost support to weaker students, but additional fees will apply for level repetition/extra sessions or placement in a lower level for revision.
  19. LingoRelic’s certificate signifies course completion and the score obtained in our internal test at the end of  course, not DELF/DALF/TEF/TCF certification. To be eligible to take the internal test, attendance in a minimum of 50% of the classes is required.
  20. While we offer lifetime access to study materials, it is the student’s responsibility to download and retain them during the ongoing course. In the event that the student fails to do so or inadvertently deletes the materials, LingoRelic may provide them again if available, but this shall not be considered an obligation on our part.
  21. In the event of a student misbehaving with LingoRelic faculty or engaging in misconduct towards another student(s), inside or outside the class, the management reserves the right to cancel the student’s course without issuing any refunds. The management’s decision in such situations will be final.
  22. Enrollment necessitates the provision of accurate and current contact information, encompassing mobile numbers, WhatsApp numbers, and email addresses. In the event of any modifications to these details, prompt notification is imperative.
  23. If a student discontinues a course for any reason and later wishes to rejoin with a new batch, the original course fee will be forfeited, and a new enrollment fee will be required.
  24. If a student goes out of contact without informing the management and does not respond to our communication, their course enrollment will be forfeited within 72 hours of the last attempted communication. In this case, refunds will not be provided, and the course will not be resumed.
  25. All sales of recorded courses and study material purchased from LingoRelic are final and non-refundable under any circumstances.

Force Majeure

1. LingoRelic shall not be held accountable for any disruption in tuition or other services resulting from circumstances beyond our control. Refunds will not be issued in such situations. Nevertheless, options for additional classes may be explored at the earliest feasible opportunity.

2. Should any challenges arise during the course, we encourage students to promptly reach out to us for assistance and resolution.

LingoRelic may revise these Terms & Conditions, including the fee structure, for its website and business at any time without prior notice. By using this website, you agree to be bound by the most current version of these Terms & Conditions.

LingoRelic Language Academy

For any inquiries or clarifications regarding the above terms and conditions, please contact us via WhatsApp at +91-9056131830 or email us at lingorelic@gmail.com.