“Si” clauses in French

“Si” clauses in French

Si clauses are “If and then” statements. They express conditions and are used to talk about possibilities, hypothetical situations, or facts. They allow you to talk about what could happen, what would happen under different circumstances, or what might have happened...
Compound Prepositions in French (La Grammaire)

Compound Prepositions in French (La Grammaire)

As discussed in my previous blog on simple prepositions, compound prepositions or les prépositions composées are a combination of two or more simple prepositions. In today’s article, let’s learn compound prepositions in French. 1. Près de= Near to- Il y a un parc près...
Simple Prepositions in French (La Grammaire)

Simple Prepositions in French (La Grammaire)

French prepositions seem like a ten-brainer, don’t they? Fret not, today we’re going to simplify them to make life a little easier! Some of you might already know a lot of prepositions, but this blog post will cover mostly all the prepositions for all levels and...