This is the minimum level that French universities expect their foreign students to be at in order to start; some will require that you prove it by passing the DELF B2. Also, to
attain a CLB 7 for Canadian immigration, a candidate is expected to achieve a minimum of level B2 in TEF Canada for a better CRS score. The themes are related to more global issues.
Before enrolling in a course, make sure to know the course content to be targeted in the same.

DELF B2- Course Content
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At this level, you become capable of communicating in a more fluid and spontaneous way. Your reading is really good, only occasionally needing to look up a word. You become expert enough in understanding a complex text dealing with general as well as specific themes.
- Carry on an extended conversation on a variety of topics.
- Use more idioms, complex sentences, connectors, and tenses
- Converse with native French speakers, easily comprehend them, and express yourself without thinking of vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structures.
- Write proper, clear, and comprehensive essays, texts, articles & letters (formal & informal)
- Put across your opinions as well as suggestions on a particular theme by presenting its positives & negatives

Duration: 3.5 to 4 months
Duration of each live session: 1 to 1.5 hours
Weekly no. of sessions: 3 to 4
Class size: 8 to 10 students
Class schedule: As per batch announcements
Study material provided via Skype, Google Drive, Email, WhatsApp
Recordings for valid absences
What you get ?
- Starts with a brush-up of A1, A2 & B1
- Plenty of hours at an affordable per-hour cost with no compromise on quality
- Personalized learning experience instead of a traditional institute experience
Recordings for valid absences
Focus on real-time communication
- Art of reformulation
- Application of learned grammar and complex structures in Speaking and Writing
- WhatsApp assistance, homework correction, revision & doubt sessions, and personalized comments outside of class timings
- Soft copies of study material and books
- DELF B2 Exam Preparation for all modules
- Access to our French learning community on WhatsApp




To reach this important milestone, multiply the A1 time for self-study & effort by at least four.
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