  1. Logical Connectors
  2. Agreement of Adjectives in Gender & Number
  3. Agreement of Past Participles
  4. Present Conditional Tense
  5. Past Conditional Tense
  6. If/ Then Clauses
  7. Types of Pronouns
  8. Active & Passive Voice
  9. Reported Speech
  10. Future Perfect
  11. Present Subjunctive
  12. Past Subjunctive
  13. Expressions to Convince someone
  14. Expressing Obligation
  15. Simple & Compound Prepositions
  16. Concordance of time
  • Environment, Pollution
  • Feminism, Women’s Rights, Equality
  • Professional World- Work, Employment, Unemployment
  • Media, Newspapers, Radio, Internet, TV Shows
  • Events- Meetings, Festivals, Natural Phenomena, Accidents
  • Places- Natural Geography, Tourism, Traveling, City, Countryside, Country
  • Feelings- Happiness, Sadness, Anger, Disappointment, Worry, Fear, Excitement, Curiosity, Surprise, Regret, Indifference
  • Handicap- Prejudices against handicapped people, Rights of handicapped people
  • Education- School, College, University, Teaching, Learning, School System, Homeschooling
  • Technology- Internet, Machines, Gadgets, Robots
  • Health- Consumption, Food, Habits, Exercise, Diseases, Medicine, Surgery
  • Arts- Cinema, Literature (short stories, novels), Theatre, Painting, Shows, Concerts



  1. Introducing oneself
  2. Talking about likes & dislikes
  3. Describing a person, place, object, project, or experience in past, present, or
  4. future
  5. Expressing opinions
  6. Discussing advantages and disadvantages
  7. Discussing cause, consequence, and solution
  8. Justifying and defending one’s opinions
  9. Lodging a complaint
  10. Discussing finding a solution to a problem
  11. Giving examples- real or imaginary
  12. Expressing uncertainty, doubt, regret, desire, possibility, etc


  • Practice material
  • Understanding of exam format
  • Understanding of audios & questions
  • Working with transcripts to understand vocabulary and accent
  • Sample papers/ Mock tests


  • Practice material
  • Understanding of exam format
  • Reading out loud
  • Working with vocabulary
  • Unseen passages to answer questions
  • Sample papers/ Mock tests


  • Understanding of exam format
  • Sample writing tasks for reference
  • Writing an Article, Personal journal, or Reply to a letter/ email- 160-180 words
  • Expressing opinions
  • Defending one’s arguments
  • Giving solutions
  • Giving examples
  • Expressions to be used in writing
  • Working with vocabulary
  • Sample papers/ Mock tests

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